Thursday, May 6, 2010

ShOppInG PeNGhAbiSan FoR This MonTh..

hari ni bangun puko 12(mak aku tahu mesti bebel 30 jam).....then ngadap laptop sampey puko 2pm..mandi..trun bawah..masak telur mata for my m.ngah n i..itu ja santapan lunch kami ari ni..hehe..sedap wooo...boh kicap sket..nikmat betol !! slurp !!! tgah mkn my cousin shikin hash tnya pasal our shopping to mid valley coz today is J-card day...

try dress yg sgt cun...i like this pic.

Carlorino boot...sgt2 da jato hati OKEY !! must get it soon..insyaallah..

i bought this to lil bro..POLO Club BRiTaNy..hope he will like it..

Finally dapat skinny jeans idaman ku...grey kaler...sgt suka..but xtau la my mom like it or not..

Its aLL aBouT CaKe

Ini la yg aku mampu buat then tunjuk kat En Zull a.k.a lembaga hitam aku..he said 'bagus2 !!'..hopely in da next meeting...dia da x komen pasal aku...

Ini 1st kek yg aku hias untuk customer kalo x silap...aku hias n tulis sendiri..hihi..ok x ?

Al-kisah yg boleh jadi wording kek ni..sebb gara2 kak wawa kuar beli brg...then customer dtg request nak kek harijadi pulak...mengigil2 aku tulis....dasyat betui feeling aku time tu...then for the next cake..customer puji siap ckap boley masuk pertandingn hias kek ag...seronook la aku rsa aku wat x la cntik sgt pun sbenarnya...hahahaha..whatever...

Saturday, May 1, 2010

1st GaJi Babe !!

i plan to wear it on kenduri...but i dunno when..juz wait lah !! it so cantik...i like it, cousin 'syikin hash' choose it for me...very in kan...

this is whaat i bougth last night...kasut everlast ni aku beli x ikhlas lgsung sbb terpaksa beli untuk pakai kerja..kasut flat tu sgt menyakitkan kaki when i jaln bila pikir2 balik boley pakey g kelas soon..hehehe

FiTTing RooM TiMe !!!

aku da jato ati gila kat jeans ni..tapi ketat sgt mom gonna kill me if she know i buy it...haha

i bought it !!

baju ni aku masih terpikir nak beli ke glamor u !!!

A StuPiD 'LemBaGa Hitam'

Dia Ni mula2 baik sgt...tgok la aku nye old post..kemain puji bila da lama keja bru perangai yg betol kuar....jebon...sakit ati aku...menyampahnya....when he's around..i cannot focus on my work..shit!!!! serba serbi x kena...ada ja salah when he's around...why its happen like that !! biasalah..budak2 ag...x matang...masih cewi ngan jawatan tinggi beliau ag agaknya !!! bongok sunggoh !!!