Friday, July 23, 2010

CrAzY WiTh KoReaN DRaMa

i dont know when im start to fall in love and being a crazy with korean drama.the actor is so perfect i think.everything they have-romantic-funny-tough-everything that will make a woman crazy lah !! the actress also not bad..being cute all the time..for heroin she will always look cute but sometime she also a messy girl like me..ahahaha..and for a rival they will always look perfect lady with showing a lot of skin i means alwayzz look sexy !!!

this is the drama that i watching rigth now...

Personal Preference

The Hero

The Heroin

The Heroin Best friend

The Rival

The Rival

Monday, July 19, 2010

Finally..i got it..OKEY !!

i got car sticker need to 'anu' ilmu car sticker anymooorreee !!! wuhuuu !!

THe xtvt FOr tOdAY

Today, i bought a purple wrap paper full with teddy bear then i wrapped my old dict. then my limau china box..hehe..





TaDaaa !!!

Cantik x ?

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

NeW PHoNe PleaSe !!!!

Lately, my phone like a shit...i cannot receive a msg...the scrin blank and when somebody call me..i dont know who's calling coz the scrin was blank...oh my...i hate it..
so now its time to get a new phone after i use my nokia flip 6850 for 3 year..there is the phone that i dont know which 1 should i get coz all of them is my favourite..

the spesification that i wanna have in my phone ;
- fm radio (of cos !! all my phone b4 hav fm radio)
-touch scrin
-wi fi
-3G (but i think its not imprtant to me)

LG KM555 - RM799

Blacberry Storm 2 9520 - RM1980

Samsung Galaxy S - RM2599

iPhone 3Gs - RM2990(32GB)
- RM2490(16GB)
iPhone 3G - RM1990(8GB)

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Taa Taa RuMaH.....

7.30am - my grandpa came to say gudbye for me..but im still sleeping at that time with my lil sis -afiny-...having a lot of chit chat with my lovely grrandpa but x salam mintk ampun maaf puuunnnnnnn...bad bad bad grandaughter..aasss !!!

9.45am-2.30pm- smpat ag basuh jeans n sempat plak kring...matahari sgt hebat..then btolak lah balek ke s.allam..

9.45pm..sampai sudaa..alhamdulillah..ngantuk like crazy time drive...sgt menakutkan..okey..selamat sampai..tatatititutu...esok hari yg bz...

Saturday, July 3, 2010

i NeEd a MaGiC PoWeR !!!

driving back to s.alam is the thing that i hope i can skip it from my life.....i haatteee it !!! god pliss give me a magic power so i can *twink twink* myself..its mean without driving 453km to s.alam by saying *twink* i'll freely transorm there..senang kan ??

hmm..i'm gonna miss my family a lotzzzzz !!!! misss misss misss

Friday, July 2, 2010

BLoG !!! SaYa RiNDu KaMu... ;-)

about 1 month i didn't write anything in my blog...lama kan...working at f&b secret recipe make me super busy n tired......but yeah !! that the reality thing that u must face up when working under f&b today im started to pack up all my thing..uniten is waiting !!! this sturday im going to travel back to s.alam...

the picture below is the thing that will tell u what im doing last month...

with my lil bro..

he's wearing a new lens - honey (can u see that ?! a messy a joe jambul..;-p)

hanging out with hanisah n shikin hash..