Thursday, September 30, 2010

Ya AmmPuNN !!!

pagi tadi bgun agak awal..dan oleh itu aku sempat la bersiap lama sket...pakai bju yg x penah aku pakai ag dress from tatoo...and today i got class at SOMEWHERE favourite class ever this sem coz i got my dream guy there...x saba nak tgok beliau presentation....x saba..x saba...(gelojoh beno hakku nih,sabo ye nurul syazwani) then aku dengan penuh yakin nya melangkah keluar dengan hati berbunga2 g kelas...sampai ja kat tempat parking moto..i saw his bike,,oh my..awalnyaa beliau..

sampai ja kelas belom sempat duduk..mamat sorg ni bertalu2 serang ayat beserta direct soklan kat hakku nih !!

ko pakai lawa2 camni ko nak g date ke ?
ngan contact len hijau..bla..bla(aku pun x sempat nak masukkan lam memori otak ayat2 dia sebb bertalu2 dan its surprised me)
ko ade date ngan boifren eh..ko da ade boifren..ade balak ke ? (aku pon pening ngan soklan dia ni..berulang2 kali tanya aku..dia betol2 tanya ka perli aku ka ntah la..bongok tol!!)

then aku pon jawab la
ish..ko ni perati aku !!ah..xda maknanya dating2 nih..(kalo ikutkan ati mau ja aku jawab"ish nyibuk ja kau..suka ati aku la nak pakey mata ijo ka kuning ka..apa baalak2 ?!!! tapak kaaki dalam mulut mau ?!"tapi budi bahasa tu kan budaya just answer it nicely as possible)

then beliau respon
eleh x nak ngaku...nnt jumpa kao dating kat mines pegang2 tangan..baru nak ngaku ko ada boifren (macam hanjeng gilon serkap jarang beliau yg x berapa nak jarang tuh..harraammm..mna ley pegang tangan)

aku pun jawab la
pegang tangan ?~~ astagfirullahalazim..
then persoalan dia tu terstop sebab fiza masuk kenakan dia balek..hambek kau..sek bek ada backing helperr..hehe..agaknya mamat seko nih tertelan air kencing tikus agaknya pagi tadi!!!

so saat yg dinanti2 suda tibaa !!! my dream guy !!! peewwiitt berbaju kemeja putih belang ngan badan tough beliau..peeuuwwiitt lagi skalik !!! hahaha..dia present sumpah cool and style gila cacing !!! haaaahhhh(mengeluh panjang) habih la aku lepas ni..balek x tdoo makan x berapa kenyang la...aku bg tumpuan yg sepenohnya masa beliau present...aku usha dia ja..kiri kanan x pedulik dah..astagfirullahalzim..dosa nih..usha hati sudah terpaut....nak wat camna...

then lepas present g makan..teprasan dia pun makan situ gak..hmmm...tgok dr jauh je la nurul syazwani oiii...kalo aku jantan aku g ngorat pompuan..sakgi ibarat perigi mencari timba...arrgghhh !!!! i hate this situation..kenapa aku jato ati !!!! menyusahkan idop aku jah !!!kambeng cirit betolla..

dah la..kepala pening sudah..banyok pikir nih...well top student memg sukaa berpikir (perasan sekijap)
mau tdor la..esok pagi la bagun awal then wat keja..if my mum know this..she will kill me..yea well,,when i called her..she always remind me to sttle all my assgment a.s.a.p so then i can focus to my final exam..but in love and in angau rite now la...gtau kang di kapaknya aku pun aku almost nak gtau beliau da bg warning jgn nak merepek bayk2 wat keja bagi setle...hmmm seb baik x gtau..kalo x hancus....this is my top secret !! hehe..shhhhh dont tell my mum huh...

lessons for today:
- plz jgn over melaram so then u will not been surprise with crazy question from crazy guy...
- again : stop staring at ur dream guy name SOMEBODY okey !!!!!!
- plz wat keja and bg settle a.s.a.p
- tolong jgn angau and in love or whatever that make u merepek macm lembu gila...

sekian for today..nite..nite..daaaaaa

 he got a secret admirer
 and it was me

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

shopping time....!!!!!!!!!!

last usual i went to Alamanda to find my mineral water stock...6 hours at alamanda..huh..lamakan?? yeaa...actually i got my refund back from air asia RM1000++...banyak tuh !!! so that why im so happy that day and masuk suma kedai kat alamanda tuh...
 make me crazy !!!

so cantik...

should i buy this ??!

more hair accecories from chamelon also my huge it

butterfly on my finger

mega sale at nicole collection...everything 80-90% discount i i got this for my self

so..that's all for this more shopping okay syazwani !!! but this mondaay i wanna find my dream high cut sneakers..should i postpone cannot2 !!! must go find it..yeah...then baru boley cakap "shopping-that's all for this month"..hehe

go go power rangers !!! still remember the song ??!!! haha make me LOL...

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Balik Raya...home sweet home !!!

wweeeeHHaaaaa.....what along time ya...about 3 week i didn't opened my blog...yeaa welll im to busy with raya, with family also with my new game"sim 2" ..just download that cd when im arrived at home with my little sister afiny..then both of us start to play like a hell..when im tired or going to help my mum she will continue to play that game by created her own sim,,,then u know what??!! her sims more "hebat" then my sims...then after im going to continue played my sims back...she's started to teach me about that game...dia sangat hebat dalam game okey ?!! a bit kredit to her..hahaha..but still im the 'hebatest'..

 6.30am..ready to go beybeh !!!

its 400km.. what a longgg long journey with myself alone on the road

 yuhuuu...this is my kampong..yea now im on the kampong road okey !!! 5 minutes more to arrive..

 can u see ??? my grandpa cow there...snap a picture when driving is coolest thing that i always do..:-P

me and my little brother,alias..we are going to shopping his baju raya...

while waiting alias try his baju melayu...i snap this organize jubah..the colors is so cantik..

 both of this baju melayu is not suit with him..the fabric..keras macm kayu he dont want then we struggle to find his baju melayu mcm org gila because his size is out of stock...last minute shopping no wonder la..suruh beli sendiri x yakin la whatever la..alasan.. then we went to bazar...yea..and you know what..we found the size,the color and also the songkok not forget the sampin below badget...

 after done with alias's baju raya he bought this super high cut supra sneakers..i must get it soon

 a night before im going back to kedah..i bought this gipsi selendang for myself..

i make this...samprit...this year is the best samprit baked well..hehe
a day before we celebrate the hari raya i make this roti mom make the 1st roti jala..not bad !! my dad like it...

wearing the purple gipsi shawl.

same style huh ?!

with best friend...from left aisyah, haslinda, salmah and me..after 10years..finally i met haslinda..she's stil same like 10 years ago..but now she look more pretty..
went to grave...visit my mama's mom grave...we read a yasin to her..

then after that we visit our relative at yan, kedah and stay for 3 days at my mama's dad and met all my cousin...abah is not with us..he working on hari raya's day this chad !! but dont worry..the 3rd day at my grandpa house..he finnaly came and celebrate the hari raya with us...:-)

 at my grandpa house, the net are showed how we slept at our kampung that have so many of mosquito..
at mamak stall...eating before going back to our homey...

huhu :-( ... im going back to UNITEN...sad like a shit when hugged my mom.. 

below is what i found in the akad nikah abg em's album