Saturday, November 20, 2010

Raya Terbaeekk EvEERRR this year !!

i had no feeling to celebrate the hari raya aidiladha this year...i dont know what the hell is wrong with me...i dont remember how late im went to bed the night before hari raya and you know what ?!! i woke up 11 something2 that time my mom went to kenduri and my dad had emergency at his office and went to office, my brother waiting for our lembu korban..afini as usual-busy with her facebook or game or something and me..nurul syazwani - still hanging a towel on her shoulder 'termenung menyesali perbuatan x baik di hari mulia' ... then bila mandi sibuk menjerit asked mcmana nak niat mandi sunat hari raya .... sumpah macam perempuan gila yg jahat okey !! on that hari raya im just wearing a striking floral pant and mini top dress...and i still remember when my mom wake me up to sembahyang raya and i replied with low energy voice 'x sempat la mama nak siap' then after she said that there still have 30minutes to me to wake up, get shower before tok imam start praying i continue my sleeping until 11++ a.m...gila !

after maghrib start packing to visit my grandparents at yan, kedah..and had a makan besar like a hell after that..yiiehaaa...!!

**my real paklong maklong and step paklong maklong just do a visit...only my family stay at our grandparents house for 2 days...real pakngah makngah as usual memg x balek raya aidiladha and my step pakngah makngah maybe tomorrow they will be here...

Monday, November 15, 2010

YuHuuu !!!

lately..i'm so bz with the holiday's xtvt...make over my bedroom..make it into purple..actually it's not too's violet...i think...when im 14..i want my bedroom in pink but my mum made an english cotton curtains to my bedroom coz of that english theme my wall juz natural colour - very ligh green now when i'm a bit matured...hahaha...not sooo matured la..just so-so..i want my bedroom in PURPLE  !!! and mom agreed then we went together to find the textile of mom also wanna change her room's curtains...

I'll make my room like this
 i just get daddy's paint the wall and change the lighting..he promised to help me !!! yeay !!! i love u daddy !! see the curtains..juz simple curtain...thanks god !! no need to hire a tailor coz i can make it my own !!

oh little brother juz done his architect's project an going to present it this my mom and i bought him this !!  

Yea..i know..lately im so looking in purple..

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Tomorrow XTVT . . .

What should i do in my holiday ya ?!! yeah well my to do list for tomorrow

1.          6.30          Subuh
2.          7.30          Jogging
3.          8.30          Breakfast
4.          10.00        Organize the magazines, books and everything at afiny's room and living room
5.          12.45        It's shower time !!!
6.           1.30         Zohor and go to pick up my sister at school
7.           2.30         Meet Grandpa
8.           6.00         Homey Domey
9.           7.00         Shower Time again !!!
10.         8.30         Dinner and sleep early (hopely)

okey..hope all my to do list will done successfully !!!! go baby go !!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Kenduri Time Beybeh !!!

okey final dah's mean kenduri time..last saturday, my cousin em wat kenduri beliau di hotel de !!! malas nak membebel panjang juz take a look below..

 the gift

 Seblom bertolak

the view

3 dara pingitan


mama with litle jeqque

 the menu

i love this picture coz see !!! pengapit comel dowh !! muahaha..

inilah pengantinnya, abg em dan kak tasha