Saturday, February 26, 2011

Test - OVER

Finally,, the test was more subject test after this...what a good feeling...but but exam is waiting..owh man !!! can't wait to finish all this thing a.s.a.p...then I can enjoy like a hell...8 April going to Indonesia beybeh !!! The teenage trip...Solo & Yogjakarta is waiting.. I'm the one who's plan this trip..hope can make it successfully...

**Petang ni ada VOIR Fashion Show kat Alamanda..aku pergi..will catch u later..daaa~~

Friday, February 25, 2011

Pro like a $h$T !!

I'm speechless..every games that i played all done successfully and i complete all the level with 5 star yeaws !!!

A BusY WeeKend


Soil Report

Soil Test

Wastewater Project

Voir Fashion Show



Studio Photo with Shu

Wastewater Site Visit
See...all this thing make me feel super busy teenager..ewahhh !! teenager you !! yes i am..i am a teenager..still sweet 16..nah !!! haha..suka hati gua la gua nak rasa gua ni apa pun..

ok..back to the topic..this weekend i feel glory glory lack of sleep..all of this must be done on my weekend..shit..but still can enjoy..for the wastewater subject and soil mechanics subject i got someone who can heal my stress !!! who is "someone"? lecturer gua mcm Akon dowh !!!! hahaha...memang terawat habis la !!

Baru habis jawab last Test untuk subject Structural...x sangka kali ni aku x bergantung sepenuhnya kat TOYOL....ada 3 question...75% using my own brain okey !! then 25% asking friends and refer TOYOL..hehe..aku study 2 hari awal..memang ready lah jugak kan..ternyata study awal lagi masuk otak la..x gelabah mcm last minute..last minute punya...x berapa nak masuk otak..

Gamba kat bawah ni xda kena mengena dengan tajuk pun sebenanya..saja gamba time dekat2 nak Christmas kat Mid Valley. [Banyak Teddy bear Besar]

Monday, February 21, 2011

Jojo's Fashion Show 3

Lately, I'm so crazy with this game..about 2 years or 3 years ago i played this game(Jojo's Fashion Show 1 & Jojo's fashion Show 2). At first, just download it for 1 hour trial, then after that, I go find the full game by buying the CD at Game Center.. this game is very me..i mean..I love fashion so with this game I can show up my fashion idea by matching the cloth, the bottom and the shoes on the models..then the panel will give the mark..

But, for Jojo's Fashion Show 3, I can create my own design, I can choose the color of the fabric, I can choose the pattern of the bottom, the shoes and the cloth too etc. Just take a look below :

You can choose your own fabric, the pattern, the color and everything that you like to put on your model

This one, you need to match your model.

My design of Sophisticated Bride and the score that I got

At the end of the show or level, you will find out the highest score that you get after you match out your models
 What I got from this game is = boley la merasa jadi fashion designer sekejap !!

My design for Amsterdam Street

Monday, February 14, 2011

I LOVEEE SeMEsTeR Break !!!!!

WuuuHHuuu..Balek kampung weh !! sumpah happy like a shit..

Jumaat [28/01/2011]

5.50am   -   Bangun..Packing my bag...go to shower..grrr sejukkk !!!
6.30am   -   Posted status on FB..then Ainul was texted me that she already downstairs..
7.00am   -   Bertolak Balek

Black and White + Blue Light = I love it !!
What a long journey...
Before bertolak..

2.00pm   -   Sampai sudey !!! terus wat bising kat umah...yess yess i love to be homeee !!!
6.30pm   -   Went to blind date with Justin Junior Yaws..okey my mom and lil sis turut ikut jugak !!!


9.00pm   -   Visit new baby kat rumah Pak Long ..everybody was surprised and asked me " Hey !! x letih ka?    baru sampai dr KL then dtg sini ?!!". Sumpah !! excited gila sampai langsung x rasa penaat !! haha..
10.++pm   -    Went to granpa's house and stay for 1 night..
***wan ngan tok aku yg rasmi bergamba ngan JJ okey !! and they like it.. direstui !!! muaahhaaha

Sabtu [29/01/2011]

9.00am   -   Bawa Tok n Wan g Pharmacy [ya i love them so much,,tuhan panjangkanlah umo mereka]
10.00am -   Balek rumah
12.30noon - Went to kenduri kawen (Anak Pak Tih Kawen)
2.00pm   -   Bawak Afini g kedai stationary
5.45pm   -  Sent Afini..haha..tinggal aku sorg kat rumah pastu..balek asrama la pulak Afini nih..x abes ag aku nak huhahuha !!
10.00pm  -   Antar abah naik bus..his friend wat rombongan anak dia kawen g Putrajaya..(malam tu tdo ngan mak aku sbb bilik aku x kemas ag..hehe..yeaa i know x diva langsung tido ngan mak..but who's care ?? im sleeping with my mom not with a boyfriend..)

Ahad [30/01/2011]

Just duduk rumah..kemas bilik..basuh baju

Isnin [31/01/2011]

12noon  -  It's time for girl shopping yaw !! went to Sungai Petani and than shopping la apa alone ja beb..
best sebab x ramai orang...i bought my JJ accessories..
6.00pm  -  Tetiba terasa nak main basketball lah plak...then cari bola keranjang lama kat dalam bilik Afini.Then suruh my dad pam angin...

Selasa [01/02/2011]

11.00am  -  g pasar ngan my mom, then makan2..yess its time for ABC hunting !!

I luv ABC...

then petang aku dapati bola yg aku suruh bapak aku pam kan tu da kembali lembik la..hampeh..suruh bapak aku pam kan lagi u dad..layan ja kerenah aku..well,,anak kesayangan dong !! haha Alias dan Afini sila jangan jeles ok !!

Rabu [02/02/2011]

Semua adik2 aku balek...sempat main basketball ngan Afini...

Khamis [03/02/2011]

1.00pm  -  g kenduri Yah..cantik betul beliau..kawan aku masa kecik2 dulu...bapak dia tok guru mengaji aku...rumah dia sumpah da lain skang..aku sempat melawat satu rumah..skali ngan bilik air aku masuk jengok..mkcik2 kat dapur tgok aku semacam..huhu..pedulik apa aku..dulu masa kecik2 suma ceruk rumah beliau aku penah men...hehe..time tu rumah dia belakang rumah lama aku ja..siaap kena kejar dengan itik gila mak beliau ..scene paling besh..hilang seblah kasut aku time lari pecut tuh..haha

5.00pm  -  main basketball ngan Afini..fuh !! nih memg impian terpendam aku nak keluarkan byk peluh  !! 

Jumaat [04/02/2011]

12.30noon  -  g Sungai Petani lagi skali...kali ni g ngan Afini and my lagi..
6.00pm -  g kebun bapak aku..melawat kawasan then tgkap gamba lompat2..Alias sgt x pndai ambek gamba lompat2..abih cacat gamba.. 

Afini lagi kejam..see.. pokok getah aku yg punya..hehe..bapak aku x tau aku da lukakan  pokok getah beliau..hehe
I like this picture

O Em Jay B..actually i hate this this time i got a lot og pimple on forehead

Lompatan katak aku..
9.00pm  -  wat puding triffle
12.00am  - tgok cita hantu Kak Limah Pulang Rumah..sumpah lawak gila okey !! start tgok pukol 12am..Aku Afini Alias tdo depan tv mlm tu..berebut ngan Afini dok tgah..feel betul la..haha..pagi esoknya bapak aku tekejut " Laa !! pakat tdo lua abeh ?!"

Sabtu [05/02/2011]

1.30pm  -  g kenduri Umah Cikgu Ajemi..Tok Guru English aku masa sekolah rendah..Anak pompuan beliau kawen..

6.00pm  - g pasar malam then ABC haunting lagi..
10.00pm  -  basuh keta with lil bro(yea..mlm2 basuh keta..nicee!!)...da nak abeh basuh afini baru datang nak usha2..xguna betul..aku baling2 span basah kat beliau..ngan kain2 buruk basah aku kejar2 simbah2 air ngan Afini..haha..gelak mcm org gila kat laman umah aku..

Ahad [06/02/2011]

 10.00am  -  bapak aku tlong vacuum keta..tenkiu daddy !!! cover belakang phone bling2 lama aku bru jumpak..rupanya tercicir lam keta
11.00am  -  wax keta..penat loh..mcm mlas balek kolej ja..
12.00noon  - bapak aku da bising sebb aku still x mcm nak balek kolej..ok fine !! aku pon start la packing2 baju
2.20pm  - bertolak balek..then sampai kat Penang..oh my shit jem ??!! hari ni hari apa ?! oh my aku terlupa yg suma org balek bercuti sbb CNY..shit..kallo x boleh bagi alasan kukuh ni kat bapak aku untuk balek esok..okey !! puko 9 mlm aku still x melepasi terowong kat Perak first time aku balek malam sorang2..kalo x aku balek sorng2 siang ja..jem x bergerak plak tu..memg tension aku !!! berangan ja la..pengubat bosan..hohoho

1.30am - baru sampai UNITEN..penat !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kenapa aku listkan suma2 perkara di atas ??!! perluka ??!! hey suka ati aku la blog aku ! So What ??! So What ??! Hehe..Just Kidding !! Actually nanti bley aku nak rujuk balek xtvt apa yg aku wat time semester break *_*V  Peace No War Yo !!! HiHi =D

**gamba nnt la aku upload..malas..da dua ari aku cirit birit sebb mkn pedas..poor stomach !! dah menipis agaknya..