Thursday, August 26, 2010

That "Thing" MaKe Me DoWn !

i woke up late this morning....when i went to bm building...just found out that the back door of my environment engineering class was locked...asked fiza did the lect locked the back door and she said..the back door locked by itself and told me to used the front 40minutes late at that time so...went to toilet snap some picture..then study with my self alone... :-(

 my new bangle

then after the environment class were over...fiza and i went to IKAL building for KKSB class...the class was started..but SOMEBODY still not coming...around 15minutes...bammmm!! he came..hehe..but today im not stared him anymoree..coz the yesterday scene..oh my...i dont know what the motive he slowed his bike then stared at staring at him back btw..maybe he knew that b4 this im always staring him quitely...owh shit that embarrassed me...(tu la...menggatal sangat Nurul Syazwani) but actually b4 the staring maring scene...i met him in the already in the lift and he wanna enter the lift..he stared at me like "terenjat" or something i dont know..owhh...**maybe i was dreaming kot (ayat xbagi syok sendiri) owh please god..jgn bagi aku syok sendiri mcam unta okey...sgt because of that hisdustan scene{like jaja said) im not look at him anymore..jus laught at his friends doing a joke with lecturer..not seeing him okey..pretend to be the end of the class...feel so down down down..coz x bley curik2 pandang
beliau even balek pon x sempat coz my fren fiza ajak g teman beliau kencing !!!!!!!!!

today lesson:
sleep early
stop playing game until midnight
and please alert to your alarm
also limit my showering time..
stop staring at the guy name SOMEBODY...

My Own Style

Today i got this from pepatung boutique..

can u see something ??? let's focus it..

haha..kerja syela la nih..he wrote my name YUNA..whateverlah..the most important is the "thing" that i ordered was inside..a yellow Lycra cotton..

just take a look below...i create my own style with my new lycra cotton..

a brilliant idea from Nurul Syazwani..boleh?

im not copying yuna's style okey!!!
yuna is is me=wani

Sunday, August 22, 2010

I GoT New Bangle TodaY !!! Wuhuu !!

went to alamanda today with my classmate Fiza..and bought this bangle..its sooo lovely bangle..i love it..

i love the way it look

Bangle from Chamelon

Also bought a colorful plastic earring for my sensitive ears.

i bought this folder at MPH. not so many choice of folder there.but then when im home i juz found out that the folder have a cross shape at the front and the that okey for me as a muslim?? im always avoid to use or to have a things with a cross shape or something with cross like a christian cross...but the most important thing is..our nawaitu(niat)...

GooD MoRNinG PeOPle !!!!

i woke up early today (this statement is not ssoo naturall if it said by me...duh !!!) actually after sahur i didnt sleep..played a game..i found a few new game lately..this game i remembered i was played it when I'm in form 1 - 3..owh..cannot remember so well...and now play it so fun to layan this game especially Earth Bound beb !!!

after subuh, i opened the apartment door and just found out the view at my balcony is so tenang n wallah !! love is..the mosque is so gorgeous in the morning... juz take a look below !!

Friday, August 20, 2010

MiSSioN To SuNgai CoNgKaK

Last two KKSB group went to Sungai Congkak to fullfill our subject(KKSB) requirement = social work...

the view is soooooo sejuk mata memandang...the river is so can see the fish swimming like a hell in that river...hahaha..sangat jernih OKEY !!!

Our mission is BBQ-taking a picture around-do some gotong royong clean the river.
the water is ssoooo seeejjuuukkk..

 Nyummmm !!! my treat !!!

 Kami dengan SamPah2 kami !!! ;-P

My KKSB Team

Thursday, August 12, 2010

i LoVe Skinny JeaNs !!

Google  about skinny jeans..what shoes you should wear with skinny jeans..yeaa..sometimes i just randomly wear any shoes that i have..flat..high heel..wedge.. and today i wore my vans shoes..i found out a little bit weird with the shoes and the skinny jeans that i wore.. look like a mcDonald shoes..haha..wth la kan ? so after i know the best shoes for skinny jeans

Flat Shoes with Skinny Jeans

If you have long legs and narrow hips, ballet flats and skimmers are great for pairing with skinny jeans. Since they're not at all bulky, they won't stand out or call too much attention to your feet, and they also help continue the lean silhouette created by the skinny jeans.

Wearing Boots with Skinny Jeans

Skinny jeans were practically made for tucking into boots -- and there are very few boot styles that don't work with them.

Tall, wider boots with lower heels are the easiest to pull off because they will actually make your denim-coated legs look thinner, but ankle boots and heeled boots can work well too. Just remember to avoid boots that are both short and bulky. Since skinny jeans are so form-fitting, they can be easily overwhelmed, and boots that are too hefty will call too much attention to your footwear, and not enough to your entire outfit.

Booties and Skinny Jeans

Booties with skinny jeans can be hit or miss, but generally speaking, they're a good choice. The easiest way to pull them off is to remember that it's a balancing act: if the booties have platform soles or chunky heels, you need a bit of volume on top as well. If you're going for a slim head-to-toe look, try a more refined bootie with less bulk.

Skinny Jeans and Heels

Basic pumps with slightly pointed toes work best with skinny jeans, but if you're not wafer-thin, you need to give consideration to the rest of your outfit as well.

Wearing high heels with skinny jeans helps to elongate the legs, so it's natural that shorter women, and those with a few curves, would be attracted to the combination. But wearing skinny jeans with stilettos also creates a very narrow "base," which of course means the middle of your body is going to look bigger by comparison.

If you want to avoid calling too much attention to your thighs and hips, or looking too much like a 50s pin-up girl, try adding a top that extends to at least your hips. Simple mini dresses, long casual tops, loosely-belted shirts, and longer jackets all work well with skinny jeans and heels. 

Choosing Sneakers for Skinny Jeans

A popular combination since the 1950s, skinny jeans and sneakers can offer a cool and casual look, but some sneaker styles work better than others. Puffy cross-trainers are far too weighty for skinny jeans, but trim low tops look cute with fitted denim, and on the right person, even old-school high tops can add a fun touch to skinny jeans.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A LiTTle Bit RealeaSe

haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah !!!

itu aja yg mampu ku lepaskan..ewah...after a few week waiting for Air Asia email, finally i got it..they promised me to refund my money back !!  cannot say "YeaY !!" yet..coz they asked me the reservation number that i want a refund so then i gave it to now still waiting their email to confirm how long the refund process it will take..huhu..bedebar n takut !!

siang td..i met Encik Iskndar..he gave me a part time job..dia la tokey potostat,binding n whatever suma tuh...the shop in my no need to worry about rushing to class and rushing to work time also flexible..i will start working this monday..actually my parents not allowed me to work..but as usual...if they say no it mean yes to me..haha..a stubborn mubborn girl !! but what can i always like to try something new and something that people not allow me to do..

Thursday, August 5, 2010


my cousin EM just akad nikah last saturday...juz wanna tell that i made his hantaran..tapak sirih and kan ??

the right one is mine...hehe..actually my cousin shida n i made it...

Just wanna show my new bag from TeeToo and new selendang from Pepatung Boutique. i love both !!

Saya Redha

after 2-3 week didn't blogging now finnaly i got a strenght to blogging back..what make me down n feel don't wnna blogging anymore is becoz of that fucking hell Air Asia...they took my money..their problem system of booking ticcket...then took my money Rm1000++..hell betollah...what a "rich girl" yeaa nurul syawani..freely giving them a money..but wait ! it's not my fault OKEY..this is their fault..randomly take people's money..i need to setle it b4 im fly to indonesia..if x...i'll not enjoying my holiday there..;-(...

after a few day 'mentawakkalkan diri' saya redha but still try as hard as i can to GET MY MONEY BACK !!!! yeaa beybeh...