Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A LiTTle Bit RealeaSe

haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah !!!

itu aja yg mampu ku lepaskan..ewah...after a few week waiting for Air Asia email, finally i got it..they promised me to refund my money back !!  cannot say "YeaY !!" yet..coz they asked me the reservation number that i want a refund so then i gave it to them..so now still waiting their email to confirm how long the refund process it will take..huhu..bedebar n takut !!

siang td..i met Encik Iskndar..he gave me a part time job..dia la tokey potostat,binding n whatever suma tuh...the shop in my campus..so no need to worry about rushing to class and rushing to work..my work time also flexible..i will start working this monday..actually my parents not allowed me to work..but as usual...if they say no it mean yes to me..haha..a stubborn mubborn girl !! but what can i say..im always like that..like to try something new and something that people not allow me to do..

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