Friday, October 29, 2010

yEssss....FiNaLLy !!!!

it is so much thing that make me say "yes..finally"...

Yes ...Finally !!

 Ni note KKSB aku..that why b.melayu..Kaunseling &Kerja Sosial B tu hapa ntah

1.  Final Exam - over...hope no need to repeat any paper..penat dowh..repeat2 lam byk2 paper...satu ja yg wat aku x puas ati..last paper aku tuh...berlangsung di Dewan Seri Sarjana a.k.a DSS..environment eng. paper..rasa mcm shit weh !!! aku da tau DSS tu sejuk gilon sampey ley wat hingus membeku ley plk ku g pakai nipis2,,bukan sampai tahap jarang la..maksud aku..aku pkai selai baju ja..sepatutnya aku pakey la jaket or sweater yg ley wat aku x sejuk sgt..then bley plak pakai flat shoes..aku ni pantang kaki sejuk..mula la pundi kencing tu tergedik2 himpun air byk2 then suruh aku g buang a.s.a.p...kedengki kan pundi itu !! tp nak wat cmna organ dalam bdn sendri..di cabut buang nnt..cacat pula,,then bawa plastik kencing apa aku mrepek ni...last paper tu aku jawab cincai gila...banyk question aku skip padahal benda tu aku dapat jawab ngan gara2 aku thn kencing la nih !! bodo..soklan byk ag x jawab..tangguh punya tangguh nak g toilet konon nak abeskan suma soklan lu..tgok2 da 15minit seblum tamat exam..aku mmg da x keruan gilaaaaa...da x than sgt2 nih !!! betulkan posisi badan..posisi kaki...ok boleh..boleh masyaalah..hanya tuhan ja tau betapa otak aku da x bley pikey..kebiasaan aku 15 minit sebelum habis adalah time untuk wat pecutan kena keja hanjing..i mean pecutan menjwab ngan hebatnya dan menghentam dengan hebatnya...dan aku xakan sekali2 biarkan soalan tu x terjawab dan x akan sekali2 biakan kosong walopon jawapan aku satu pkataan ataupon ayat bodo gila n tunggang apakan daya menahan sgt2...time lect. dtg collect exam paper ley lak aku wat drama ngan lect tu minx nak kuar awal..ngan beliau2 skali wat drama risaukan 'penahanan' aku dan terjerit2 pangil lect lain dan gopoh gila kutip soklan sebb nak cepatkan pelajar kluar sebb aku daa x tahan..haha lawak gila aksi lecturer tu..gelabah..member keliling da tanya apasal? what happen ?..habis ja..aku lari terus g toilet dan LEGAAA GILA !!!! habis sengal2 organ aku..seb baik x pecah..hampeh..(DSS-Dewan Sejuk Sejuk)..xsenonoh kan cita ni..hahaha

Vanilla favourite

2. aku dapat minum beverage kat sushi king yg slama ni aku usha kat web sushi king ja..ya la nak g asik bz lain kepingin sushi tp aku  kepinginbeverage sushi king..well aku kan suka yg pelik2..yg org lain x wat...order sushi sampai naik terjelir lidah aku mkn..fiza ngan selamba nak lagi..aku da x larat..da la aku ni makan tehegeh2..udah le tu..couple cina ka melayu ntah kat lua tu da usha2 aku..bongok tol..malu aku..agaknya aku makn gelojoh sgat kah? ke lidah aku yg panjang mcm hantu kah? ke cara aku pgang chopstick tu salah? bodo betol la..maunya aku sumbat 1 jag wasabe kat couple tu...aku sebenarnya seorg yg mengikut tema..kalo masuk kedai jepun walopon x reti sgt guna c.stick..aku akan try seboleh mungkin...kalo masuk kedai omputih..aku sedaya upaya pakai pisau garpu segala mcm...kalo kat kenduri kampung mkn pakai tangan...kalo kat rumah sukati la..nak pakai kepala lutut pun bolee..hohoho..kita harus mengajar diri kita supaya x kekok dengan benda2 mcm ni..belajarlah sesuatu yg baru walopon anda lansung xtau cmna..belom cuba belum tau..bila da cuba baru tau..keep learning a new thing..x rugi pon....bak kata pepatah masuk kandang kambeng mengembek masuk kandang lembu mengembu...mooooo !!!!! ntah apa aku merepek lagi..

3. ..aku berjaya kumpul syiling for laaundry pagi esok...yeah well..RM3 for cucian RM3 for keringan..paham x ? aku malas nak jemur2 nih..aku keringkan skali guna mesin so terus lipat masuk beg abis ceta..settle !!

itulah perkra yang "yesss!! akhirnya" aku...

***pack baju..penatt..ingat da abis..tgok2 belakang pintu ada ag..huaarrrgggg!!! mna plak aku nak sumbat nih..bagasi 30 tan da penuh...siot lahhh(nada manja) !!!! ahh sumbat lam singlet plastic carefour dah ah !! benci aku..da mcm hapa aku tengok..aiyoo !!!! x style lantak ah...

Monday, October 18, 2010

HiGh CuT Sneakers

Last 3 sunday ago..went to The Mines looking for a ankle boot..but sadly there is no size for me...only 38 and 39...then walked  with no mission in that mall and then i make a decision to find a sneaker..i saw echo park boutique on the level 4.. i found the gorgeous high cut sneaker in red..there is SUPRA my goodness..i am in dilemma..should i buy ankle boot or that SUPRA shoes...1 hours analyzed and think..finally i bought it...

Saturday, October 16, 2010

All WoRk SubMiTTed !!

HaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH...what a good feeling, finally all my hydrology laboratory reports are done and submitted last friday, and my project assignment and environment laboratory report done and submitted yesterday...a little bit release..still having a work to do..but i can do that work with a relaxing mood coz' there is no due date for that work but must submit it before final exam..20days more to final exam...go baby go..but wait !! let me tell u about how im survived to settle all my assignment(well last minute punya keja kan)

Thursday - woke up at 11am then get ready for 12.00 class that day finished at 6pm..had dinner after 6pm class then went home..started doing the assignment at 8.00pm i think..around that la ! until 1.30am..went to fiza's that assgnment together until 6.30am (Friday)

Friday - went home then get ready for site visit(students who is taking a Hydrology subject are compulsory to attend this site visit)..8.00am - 1pm..after going back from site visit..settled the last assignment..sent all the 5.00pm had lunch and dinner..went 7.30pm after maghrib "tdo mcm org gila okey...haha" totally tired..and my energy at that time going down into red bar ! 31hours without sleep...

 A teletubies(i dont know the spelling is correct or not) pose from Fiza


Done !!!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Hey Young Lady Nurul Syazwani !!!! You're tough !!!!

hari ini menyemangatkan diri...yea well kej bertimbun2 so kena la semangatkan diri...kalo x macm mna nak wat keja kalo semagat ni aku posa nazar..da dapat balek duit from A.Asia so berpuasa nazar lah akan aku selama 3 hari...went to secret recipe to find some food for break fast....

..mozzarela baked fish..

so all assgmt..and try to settle it...terkangkang terlentang !!! bayak gilorrr okey !!! matii.....
no more dream more benda yg karut2 yang menhancengkan feeling n life aku...

okey...mau buat kerja...tata

Friday, October 1, 2010


massyaallah..god what I've done...semalam b4 masuk kelas islamic..i met my dream guy tu lah...he stared at me..and im stared at him back anyway..huahua..but my eyes is like an eagle at that dia kalah and tundukkan muka...but shit !!!!!!! am i crazy ??!! stared at the guy like that.....crazy...crazy...crazy....yea...aku x patut wat mcm tu...but it happened so fast and i cant control it..i think that time something was controlled my self...maybe jin or setan or something something lah...malunyaaaaa...!!! malu la aku nak g kelas nanti...mesti beliau akan pikir aku mata keranjang or gatal or gedik or whatever lah !!!!  oh mannn !!! what should i do...

okey2 !! gini...just pretend to be cool and act like nothing happen..if he dare to come and ask me why im stared at him i will say " actually ur eyes is pretty and unic, so that's why la"...hopely the answer is okey...haha...

last night i do some googled about my dream guy..and i found some information about him...

-he got a fb, myspace, and friendster
-his birthday  bla bla 1990 ( younger 3 years OKEY !!!)
-he stay at bangi
-he like playing a chess,football
i got his bike no plate and his student id also..but no need to show it here..

 so now i know his that pretty bad for me...because my target is not a "young man"...start from now i'll stop fall in love or angau with that guy..MUST STOP IT..yeaa beybeh !!!

and start from this night NURUL SYAZWANI YUSOFF will announce that she will stop staring maring, angau-angau, falling-malling at her DREAM GUY !!!! she will let him go with the flow of lembu gila blood...
GEDEBUSH !!!!!! now he's gone...already gone...goodbye dream guy !!! soo not looking for a young guy...