Friday, December 31, 2010

NeW SeMesTer !!!

i know i should post this one month ago..but i dont know what thing that make me so busy and doesn't have a time to post something in my blog..

5 december 2010
i bought a red vintage(trouble with the type/name of bag) at Subang Parade Bazaar..

the online blogger do the open selling there..u can get a vintage bag, cloth and accessories with a low price if u know how to deal and let them give u a discount..i got 15% off using my 'deal'..not bad...the good thing if u shopping there is..u can deal with a good price compare if u buy online-u must pay what they want u to pay..

Here the latest Bazaar Calendar

U can find the Bazaar at Subang Parade every first and the last weekend of the month
U can find the Bazaar at Topicana City Mall every saturday and sunday



yeaa !!! after a few month with trouble skin finally i chose Clinique to be my new girlfriend !!! hehe...about a few week i used a Clinique sample and it work so well to my skin so after that i think i should have this skin care 1 set..and TADAAA !!!!! also got their gift  a make up bag !! and good bye Olay (still using Olay night cream and eye cream)

 My skin type is combination oily at T-zone and dry at im using a no 2

Clinique 3-step Skin Care System

1.  Liquid Facial Soap to cleanse

2.  Clarifying Lotion to exfoliate

3.  Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion to mosturize

The cost for this 3 step Clinique it quit expensive (go find it yourself at Clinique counter)..but as a degree's student with a lot of stress i should find something can cure well my stress face and keep them glowing !!! This is one of the reason that i will tell to my mom if she asking me why im buying this expensive skin care..not really expensive if we compare it with skII...

just imagine..
use a cheap skin care but doesn't work so well with ur skin + stress with study = boom boom pow stress  !!
use good and quality skin care + stress study = it will turn to be "santai stress yeowh !!!"

my formula..muaahaahahaa.

u not agree with that ?!!! so what so what ??!! wanna kill me with a sword ?!!
juzz kidding ;-D

im in happy mood !!!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Very PoOr Mad Guy...

After soil class..rowen(classmate) and i went to photocopy crowded there..then when our turn rowen told one guy who's working there what he want to copy, he also told mine..then after rowen done he leave me to go somewhere and i wait for my copy...

i reminded that guy what chapter that i want to make a copy then he start asking about what my friend order ?? i said 'what my friend order is one set and mine only chapter 5 and make it 2 set..he start confused and kept asking me again and again to make sure what i really want then started to say
"herrghh !!'
 to showed that he mad on me !! what the hell is wrong with this guy..i'm already told him what i want very clearly
"2 set chapter 5 of soil 1"..
is that not clear enough? one thing his customer...he cant do that..i think maybe he doesn't have any experience how to deal with a customer.. i had an experience working in Secret Recipe and know how to deal with a customer and give a fast service..yea as we already know customer always right and we must serve them the best service to make them happy..hey !!! me also have an experience working in photocopy shop and also in uniten..and what service that i gave to my customer is give what they want as fast as u can,, then when u dont understand what they want just asked them nicely and i dont feel mad on my customer when i confused or didn't understand what they want..i will keep asking until i understand with nicely mood...

so the conclusion is..that poor guy should learn how to deal with a customer and "jgn wat keja lembab" thing he is so "serabut'...that photocopy shop had 3 worker and they are so slow in only working with my boss and can handle it with a fast service..not to proud of myself just want to tell how they work and my work...

and my advice word to him fo his bad service is

Pegi MATI la woi !!!!!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Kenduri Lagi Yeowhhh !!!!!

25 December 2010
Cousin's Friend Wedding i went to kenduri cousin's friend wedding..the theme for this wedding is purple...good looking view..the bride is so gorgeous and handsome...

Can u see that two kids? they are so cute in baju melayu and sampin!!!

then after that wedding we headed to Mid Valley to meet Eisha and Shikin Hash..unplanned shopping will make u lost your mind went you saw a lot of sale there..but thanks god i can control myself..good baybeh...this is because of the crowded situation....i hate shopping with a thousand people will make me headache, uncomfortable and lost of mission and you know what people ??!! i bought cash booking can note about the money flow that u have been use and know the status of money for what u are spend for..i need to organize my money dude !!! so then i can buy the thing that i really want..(i think im out of topic)

okeyh..let back to our main feast

18 DICEMBER 2010

she so beautiful in her engagement dress..i thought that day was her wedding feast but it was her engagement and akad nikah feast..

With Eisha my cousin
 Cantikkan wawa ?!!

Baju Kurung baru !!! ;D

Pelamin for engagement

She made all this...hebatkan !!?

Now she officially a wife to his husband

12 DECEMBER 2010

Abang Jat - cute isn't it ?
My cousin..abang jat finally found his wife..hahaha..bujang tua da cousin aku ni...memilih beno !!! his wife is a teacher...i dont know what so special about this women that make him agreed to get married..but syukur finally everyone no need to worry about his bujang so busy helped my cousin tidy their the super foot cleaner people..i mean not kaki bersih - it is "always make your foot comfortable when walking on the floor without step on the mess like nasi2 tumpah..habuk2 kecil, also bawang2 tertumpah..cannot see the mess on the floor..i kept it clean until  maklong told me to stop..  for them ..even sitting on the mess it doesn't matter...hahaha...but for me its very uncomfortable...yea that was an experience that u should face it up..they are x kisah people...good people !!! ;-)..

1. 14 hantaran pihak lelaki    2. 22 hantaran pihak perempuan

27 NOVEMBER 2010

What so special and unique about my family was - i had so many step family and i love to have them around..and here the picture about the wedding..they will tell you everything..let picture tell the stories...and one more thing..i attended this wedding feast after i met my girls at penang..hanging overnight until 4am then sleep around 2 hours then headed back to kedah, had a breakfast with jaja at R&R gurun and at 10.30am my parent pick me up at R&R gurun then get changed at my paklong's house..after that we went to that wedding..still tired and sleepy..but its doesn't matter..i catch my sleep later..muahahaha...

Tired eyes

With cousin - Kak Teh

 Relative's Wedding for 2010 were END
Relative's Wedding for 2011 and My Wedding(muaahaha) will coming soon . . .

Friday, December 24, 2010

Hallo World !!!!!!

Yeaa yeaa yeaa..."hello world" know what ?! i just watching the awesome video..all the hollywood popular singer include my justin bieber were sang the song "we are the world" amazed when watching that's super cool...u should watch this !!! $ wajib $

 best kan..kan...kan...kalau u guys x what so what ??
i will remake this song and the video oneday..hehehe..but with different style..yeah baby !!!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

KeRis KeRaMaT & Janggut Putih

Ni al kisah time kenduri anak paklong aku, merangkap kezen aku..ikuti dialog di bawah..;-D

Time : selepas kezen aku da selesai bersanding dan da salin baju kawin beliau
Location: tingkat atas rumah paklong aku dalam bilik bujang kezen2 aku.
Watak Utama: Hafizudin (anak kak ani iaitu anak sulong paklong aku)
Umur Watak Utama : 10 tahun

Time tu aku ngan 2 org adik aku alias dan afini ngah packing ntok chow..then suddenly hafizudin cucu sulong paklong aku masuk join dengan memakai tengkolok pengantin dan keris pengantin tersisip di seluar beliau..cis berangan jd hang tuah rupanya budak ni..then beliau cuba bukak keris, aku larang, tetapi da terlambat dan dia da rosakkan keris tu..ntah mcmmana tetiba kain merah hiasan dalam keris tu bley terkeluar..

Aku   : Hey !!! knapa rosakkan keris keramat tu ?!! (tetiba plak terlintas nak sebut keris keramat)
Hafizudin  : Haaahh!? sambil wat muka cuak..
Aku    : haaa !!! tu keris keramat tu jgn wat main-main, kak nurul pun x berani bukak tuh !!!
Hafizudin  : habis tu mcm mana ni ( sambil cuba betul kan keris tu)
Aku : meh sini keris tu (aku pun cuba betulkan tp x berjaya, ok fine kalo rosak keris ni..mati aku..sekali ngan aku terlibat sama) then lepas tak berjaya betulkan aku pon cakap...tau x keris keramat ni ada penunggu ?! sakgi malam dia mai x tau la janggut putih tu..
Hafizudin : haaa ?! tipu !!muka hairan dan nada separuh nak mnagis
Aku  : dah2 !! g letak balek...

lebey kurang 5 minit dia kembali..

Hafizudin :  hapijudin nak wat mcmmana ni?! sakgi janggut putih tu mai ?!
Aku : aku daa malas nak layan..sambil sibuk packing baju aku pun cakap...g la baca al fatihah ke mengucap ke..pastu hembus2 kat keris tu(haha..apa jadahnya la aku nih dok merepek kat budak tu)...dia pun hilang dan x kacau aku..

Tengkolok dan Keris Keramat Janggut Putih

5minit lepas tu dia kembali lagi..lorh..ada ag budak ni...

Aku : baca x ag ? hembus x ag ?
Hafizudin : dah...dah buat dah ( What ???!!! dia wat betul2 ?!!...aku ingat dia da blah g main kat bawah..rupanya dok kat bilik pengantin mengadap keris tu ag)
Aku : mcm mana hafizudin baca ??!!

Hafizudin  : mengucap la...astagfirulahalazim..astagirullahalazim..yg tu la kan..
Aku : mcm nak pecah tekak aku tahan gelak...hey !! sapa ajar mengucap mcm tu..haa !! tak tau la sakgi janggut putih tu mai nak wat camna nih ? (sambil wat muka serius...afini da tertunduk2 cover gelak)

tiba2 alias datang mencelah...

alias : apa ni ?! apa ni ?! janggut putih apa ni ?!
aku  : hafizudin da rosakkan keris keramat, sakgi janggut putih mai la ..
Alias :hah ?! haa !!x tau la hafizudin..sakgi dia mai malam sakgi..(alias sek bek paham aku ngah mengencing budak hafizudin yang penakut tu)
Aku : g la tolong btulkan balek keris tu...

then keris tu dapat dibetulkan oleh alias..fuh..sek bek..

kat 15minit merepek-repek..we were done packed our 'things'..then suddenly hafizudin cried..rupanya sedih sebab kami da nak chow..skali ngan aku aku nak menangis..shit betol..dia ingat dia sorg sensetif aku ni double mouble sensetif...sek bek dapat cover muaahhaha..sambil tu..alias sempat cakap

alias: its okey..kalo kami xda mlm ni janggut putih tu ada, boleh teman..
hafizudin: muka terkejut ,,,haa ??!!!!!! then sambung nangis sedih lagi...

hahahah..itula alkisahnya...merepek2 kan ?! tapi ni la benda yg wat aku gelak sorang2 bila teringat balek..lawak betol..

Inilah Hafizudin sebelah Afini