Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Kenduri Lagi Yeowhhh !!!!!

25 December 2010
Cousin's Friend Wedding

Huh...so tired...today i went to kenduri again...my cousin's friend wedding..the theme for this wedding is purple...good looking view..the bride is so gorgeous and handsome...

Can u see that two kids? they are so cute in baju melayu and sampin!!!

then after that wedding we headed to Mid Valley to meet Eisha and Shikin Hash..unplanned shopping will make u lost your mind went you saw a lot of sale there..but thanks god i can control myself..good baybeh...this is because of the crowded situation....i hate shopping with a thousand people around...it will make me headache, uncomfortable and lost of mission and you know what people ??!! i bought cash booking keeping..yea..you can note about the money flow that u have been use and know the status of money for what u are spend for..i need to organize my money dude !!! so then i can buy the thing that i really want..(i think im out of topic)

okeyh..let back to our main topic..KENDURI..wedding feast

18 DICEMBER 2010

she so beautiful in her engagement dress..i thought that day was her wedding feast but it was her engagement and akad nikah feast..

With Eisha my cousin
 Cantikkan wawa ?!!

Baju Kurung baru !!! ;D

Pelamin for engagement

She made all this...hebatkan !!?

Now she officially a wife to his husband

12 DECEMBER 2010

Abang Jat - cute isn't it ?
My cousin..abang jat finally found his wife..hahaha..bujang tua da cousin aku ni...memilih beno !!! his wife is a teacher...i dont know what so special about this women that make him agreed to get married..but syukur finally everyone no need to worry about his bujang telajak..im so busy helped my cousin tidy their house..im the super foot cleaner people..i mean not kaki bersih - it is "always make your foot comfortable when walking on the floor without step on the mess like nasi2 tumpah..habuk2 kecil, also bawang2 tertumpah..cannot see the mess on the floor..i kept it clean until  maklong told me to stop..  for them ..even sitting on the mess it doesn't matter...hahaha...but for me its very uncomfortable...yea that was an experience that u should face it up..they are x kisah people...good people !!! ;-)..

1. 14 hantaran pihak lelaki    2. 22 hantaran pihak perempuan

27 NOVEMBER 2010

What so special and unique about my family was - i had so many step family and i love to have them around..and here the picture about the wedding..they will tell you everything..let picture tell the stories...and one more thing..i attended this wedding feast after i met my girls at penang..hanging overnight until 4am then sleep around 2 hours then headed back to kedah, had a breakfast with jaja at R&R gurun and at 10.30am my parent pick me up at R&R gurun then get changed at my paklong's house..after that we went to that wedding..still tired and sleepy..but its doesn't matter..i catch my sleep later..muahahaha...

Tired eyes

With cousin - Kak Teh

 Relative's Wedding for 2010 were END
Relative's Wedding for 2011 and My Wedding(muaahaha) will coming soon . . .

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