Monday, March 7, 2011

I'm NoT HaPPy !!

I'm the person who will feel not happy and be not happy person (??) when I cant get something that I really want. Nak cari kasut pun susah !!! yeah ! I need a new black flat old black shoes da terkopak tapaknya !! gua xmau tertinggal tapak kasut time tengah jalan nak g kelas..kalo jadi..jalan memg jejak tanah betullah..then I found out that there is no size for me ?! What the heck ?!! Today I tried a lot of shoes than all of them doesn't have my size..i'm wearing size 8/40..

At niichi, I'm fall in love with the ankle boot(again)..I almost buy it but then i called my parent asked them which one should i buy"ankle boot or flat shoe" ..skali ngan bapak aku bg pendapat haa !!! both of them tell me the same idea "just buy a flat shoe or you will fall when u walk to class then..think about the distance(jauh la jugak aparment ke kelas tp x la jauh sgt[?? again]..then kena terjun mini curam..sgt x sesuai except aku rajin nak drive then pecah peluh carik parking kat UNITEN nuh ha)..okey continue black flat shoe hunting..then finnally I still can't get my size and I give up..

benci aa cmni !! What a coincidence, I met my old friend Allwani and ex-colleague Pa'an.. Alwani makin kurus la..and Pa'an stil poyo..hehe

Kesimpulannya im not happy right know....urghh !!

With Dila

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